Advent 2022 Paintings: A Series of Seasonal Delights

Welcome to Gretty Beth Arts’ Advent 2022 paintings! As Artist in Residence at my church, creating Advent work is among my seasonal delights!

These four paintings span the four Sundays before Christmas, and the themes are: Hope, Love, Joy and Peace.

Each of these paintings began as a block of basswood, that is then carved, painted, sometimes sanded, and sometimes burnt. Basswood is the best wood for carving, and I love its versatility.

I’ll say a few words about my thought processes as we go, but really more important is how the pieces connect with you.

Here are images of my work:

Have Hope

Have Hope

The carved grid-like lines on Have Hope quote an earlier pandemic piece, but now there’s perspective and the way forward is getting clearer and less paralyzing. More hopeful. Indeed, starting to become rosy and happier. And Jesus’ teachings glow through.

Deep Love

Deep Love

There’s quite a lot happening in Deep Love. Lots of carved elements, painting over carved areas, in addition to layers that have been revealed by scraping through others. This painting speaks to me as ocean life with hints of coral reef, but also feels like outer space inspired by the images captured by the new James Webb telescope.

I have a deep curiosity and love for our planet, and Jesus’ love of humankind includes the Deep Love of the gorgeous earth in the seemingly infinite universe we inhabit.

Joyous Spirit

Joyous Spirit

The grid-like patterns in Joyous Spirit are an enigma. Perhaps they represent the essence of the unknowable immensity of God, beyond human understanding. But the glee and joy of the Christmas season, that is carried throughout the year, burns bright like a bonfire that God’s creation dances around.

This painting was carved, and paint inserted into the carved lines, and the wood was sanded in areas. Another technique is that it is actually burnt underneath layers of color. Jesus’ birth brings a Joyous Spirit! It was an incredible process for me to create this work.

Peace in the Air

Peace in the Air

I give thanks for the oxygen that fills my lungs. The idea for Peace in the Air came from studying the seeds of salsify, a plant that resembles a giant dandelion puff when in its seed-proliferating form. The light, fuzzy, and breeze-loving seeds catch the air and float peacefully away.

Peace in the Air is a painting that caresses the process of breathing, being with the breezes in the full and life-giving way the Prince of Peace brings. Breathing offers peace to the body and mind, and Jesus’ peace can begin with our own life breath.

Appreciating Advent 2022

This Advent work was born from a place of deep gratitude and prayer and worship. It was born from the electricity of the seasons, and the compassion for a humankind that is struggling, yet for whom Jesus’ birth inspires a profound determination.

May the dream of the birth of the Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace this season fill you to brimming, and inspire you to share this energy to touch others’ lives as well.

These are my latest Advent paintings – but if you want to bring the light and spirit of Advent and Christmas to your loved ones this year, consider sharing these holiday cards from past and new holiday works with them. May you and yours have a holiday season to remember!

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