Advent Paintings from 2020: Abstract Art

How do you artistically represent abstract concepts like Hope, Faith, Joy, and Peace? How about using the traditional Advent colors: purple, pink, and white? How about using Christmas story landscapes like the fields where the shepherds tended their sheep? How about some symbolism from history?

These are all good ideas, but the direction I’ve taken my art, for my personal understanding, draws not only from an acquaintance with this vocabulary, but also a sense of poetry about the abstract concepts, pulling from lived experiences.  That said, my poetic intentions might not be readily communicated to an audience unaware of them. And so, as with all of my art, my driving inspiration is that of connecting to my own spiritual experience in the process of creation. It is my aim that the flow inside of my creative impulses and decisions, connected to a profound sense of gratitude, will elevate the art to not only connect with the audience with hints at an understood foundation, but also transcend simple explanation to speak to their spirits.

Perhaps, if you have a scientific side like mine, you might ask the questions: How is this measured? Is it quantifiable? Where is the key to unlock this understanding? What are the recognizable attributes to make sense of this? With art, I hope to relax the vigilant search of this thinking, and instead seek to pluck the deep chord of emotion for spiritual experience. There is no right or wrong. Less thinking. More knowing.

My experience of art is no better or worse than anyone else’s. Each individual’s response is where the real meaning and significance occurs, but as I stated before, I have poetic experiences of the following Advent paintings.


Hope is a painting inspired by the shared difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to all of the other obstacles that challenge our ability to look forward to things and see our direction ahead. The cage like lines are very present in the landscape of our lives, but the shining light of Hope cuts through the pain, misery, self doubt, mourning, struggle, anxiety, and fear that are very real for all.


Faith is inspired by the any layers of grit, resilience, loyalty, hope, and determination, in addition to the many people in one’s life that supports a person’s faith. Faith in themselves, faith in God, faith in humanity, all interpretations of faith. The shapes of this painting, in addition to the layered concept, hint at the ancient symbolism of Mary as the Rose.


Joyful was created with a quiet glowing feeling of joy, found in sunrises or sunsets. The deep wisdom of joy in our bones, the miracle of existence, the birth of a baby that can heal the world. The heart beats an Alleluia as it glimpses the mysteries of the universe.


Peaceful is a collage painting inspired by the bucolic fields where shepherds tended their sheep before they were told of the birth of the Prince of Peace. For me, the very landscape breathes this peace.


The new year, 2021, might hold profound wisdom. Hope, Faith, Joy, and Peace will each take on new meanings as the year unfolds.

May your very own experiences with art this new year bring you delight.

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