Art In Libraries! My Garden City Library Show

I currently work in a library, and libraries are near and dear to my heart. Naturally, I decide to combine my art career and my passion!

Here’s a short video of my show at the Garden City Library that is up now until November 26, 2024.

Libraries create community by providing access to information without barriers for all visitors. They are places for children to get an excellent start on life, including developing reading skills and social skills; and they are places for folks to get together to collaborate or independently seek information, study, be entertained, gain employment skills, and have access to computers for everything online.

But the thing I love most about libraries is their power to inspire! And that is also a main function of art!

Both libraries and art are the springboards for so many new thoughts and adventures, as interior journeys of a personal nature or out in the world creating, expressing, exploring, and doing.

The Boise Downtown Main Library has artwork in places from selected artists, but the Bown Crossing and Library at Cole and Ustick both host artists on display on a rotating basis. If you, or someone you know, is interested in showing artwork at the Garden City Library as I did, contact Bonnie Peacher at 208-867-1219.

Come get inspired!

‘Tis the season! New Holiday Cards at Catalyst Arts Collaborative!

I can’t believe another holiday season is already on its way!

As part of an annual tradition, I hope you’ll share a festive and warm message with your loved ones using my new holiday cards.

In addition to your regular favorites, Catalyst Arts Collaborative has my blank Holiday cards for $4.25/each or any 3 cards for $12!

Thank you for supporting the arts!

Gretchen Weitemier

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