Artistic Interpretations from the Congregation

On Sunday, October 22, 2023 at 10 am, I will be curating a show of artistic interpretations by the congregation of a passage of scripture at Boise First Congregational, United Church of Christ. (Located at 2201 W Woodlawn Ave, Boise, ID 83702.)

Congregants meditate on a passage of scripture, chosen for the show, and create 2D, 3D, music, poetry, or other artistic expressions that they make outside of church, to share with the church on Artistic Interpretation of Scripture Sunday. All ages are welcome and diversity is celebrated!

Last year in 2022, the scripture was:

“May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you, may the Lord turn his face toward you and grant you peace.”

Numbers 6: 24-26

Sixteen artists last year participated in the show in 2022 for its inaugural year and created music, paintings, drawings, calligraphy, sculpture, and three-dimensional artworks about peace.

Marlene Mussler-Wright created this circular painting last year, saying, “I love the small moments in life that wink towards the big ideas.”

Marilyn Holte submitted this watercolor painting of red poppies last year, in memory of fallen WWI soldiers. She felt the blooming flowers were an appropriate sign of the Lord making his face to shine upon the soldiers.

This year, 2023, the Artistic Interpretation of Scripture show is especially bittersweet, as our minister Rev. Rob Tullock chose the scripture, Romans 15:13, before he resigned as minister and moved to Oregon.

Certainly, the energy he brought to our congregation during his ministry will inspire and burst forth in a final ministry created by the artists of the congregation he served.

This year’s scripture reads:

“Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans 15:13

The congregation’s interest has been whetted, and artists are getting excited. What will they create? Oh, the anticipation!

The next blog post will share some of their works and words! But really, there’s nothing like seeing art in person, which you can do on Sunday, October 22, 2023. The diversity of each of this year’s artists already inspires Hope!

If you’re interested in experiencing this beautiful art from Boise First’s own creatives, I hope to see you there at 10 am!

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