God of Hope: Art by the Congregation, 2023

Eighteen members of Boise First Congregational, United Church of Christ shared their artistic interpretations of Romans 15:13 on Sunday, October 22, 2023.

Rev. Rob Tulloch chose the scripture before he ended his time with the church, as a kind of farewell ministry.

The scripture reads as follows:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Romans 15:13

Members of all ages participated, creating 2D, 3D, and even musical offerings. Here are some highlights of artwork from our congregants!

The Woodworths

Members from the Woodworth family participated.

Sierra Woodworth, age 9

Sierra Woodworth made a painting of “joy” and “peace” with their cords plugged into an outlet. The image of joy on the left appears to be charged by the outlet, while the image on the right says, “99% Still Charging Peace.” Sierra’s words about her painting were that:

“Everyone needs a plug-in.”

Violet Woodworth, age 6

Violet Woodworth painted figures with hearts in their chests. She shared that:

“They’re hugging each other and they’re saying I love you together because they love each other.”

Zoe Woodworth, age 3

Zoe made a colorful abstract painting, explaining that,

“The blue is peace. The purple is hope. The green is joy.”

Jeff Woodworth

Jeff Woodworth, their father, created the following:

“AI interpretation of Romans 15:13.”

Jeff’s image captures the scripture in digital artwork using AI. To me, an AI creation is an apt example of the zeitgeist for the nation, if not the world, currently.

This family embraced their artistic opportunities and embodied their understandings of the scripture together!

Jim Girvan

Jim Girvan created “Symbols,” a painting using Celtic, Japanese, Shawnee, Swahili, American, Comanche, Chinese, Rwandan, and European symbols for joy, peace, hope, and spirit. Jim included that,

“Flowers representing growth through the Holy Spirit form the painting’s base.”

Jim also composed a song with lyrics and a melody he wrote, and harmonized musically with the help of church musician Derek Schaible. The song “Thank you, God,” was sung by the congregation as an offertory hymn for our church service. “Thank you, God” gives thanks for love, a constant call, peace, stress release, and ends giving thanks again for God’s constant call.

Ellen Winslow

Ellen Winslow quilted an artwork, saying:

“This verse reminded me of a time in my life when I was not seeing or feeling hope, not for me, not for my family, my community, or the world. On my journey I have found hope through prayer, experiences of awe in the world, and the love of my family. My artistic expression symbolizes my feeling of abounding hope through joy in everything in my world, peace in my heart, and believing in each human’s capacity for love.”

Emily Blosser

Emily Blosser created “Overflow” a mixed-media painting.

“I was drawn to translations that used the word “overflow,” and to the image of God being the source of this font. Hope is a fluid, filling all available space and then some. Hope is hard to point at or indicate, because it actually surrounds us. If you let your faith tell you it is there, then it is. God, the Universe, surrounds us and allows us to be a container overfilled with hope.”

The church congregation is treated to all of this art.

Takeaways from the God of Hope Show

As the curator of this show, I feel that some of the best, most powerful energy comes from deep contemplation by artists in their creative processes, and from deep contemplation by the receiving congregation. This contemplation renews these ancient words of scripture, inspiring us in new creative ways, and comforting and uplifting us today.

This is undoubtedly the “still speaking voice” of the God of Hope, as our Congregational body says!

This scriptural art show will be up until November 12, 2023 if you feel inclined to experience it in person at 10 am on Sunday mornings at Boise First Congregational Church, UCC, located at 2201 W Woodlawn Ave. Boise, ID 83702.

Art at the Riverside

In other news, I will have artwork displayed at the Riverside Hotel for the month of November as part of a group show for Give Art a Head Start Fundraiser, raising money for a youth art program. There will be a silent auction and raffle fundraiser for youth artists with live music, appetizers, and artists galore on November 3, 2023 from 6pm-8pm.

Proceeds will go to the Youth Art Scholarship Fund which is used for youth artists ages 5-18, who will participate in the Riverside Hotel’s December Youth Art Exhibit.

Here is a link to reduced-cost tickets to the event! Enjoy!

Thank You for Your Support!

There are so many opportunities to experience and support local art this season!

Making and experiencing art communicates things that are not translatable in words. Your support nourishes our community members in their abilities to defy language and touch the heights and depths of human experiences. Thank you!

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