Holy Week 2022 Series

For Holy Week 2022, I created a series of three paintings as Artist in Residence at Boise First Congregational United Church of Christ.

It was exciting to use the same artistic process for this series of works!

I started with an underpainting on paper, and I carved a large basswood block.


Carved basswood block

I then used this basswood block as a woodblock print over the underpaintings for all three works.


“Maundy Thursday Landscape” is an underpainting (above) before its printed with the purple woodblock (below).

Color choice was significant. Purple is the color of Lent, which gives way to this Holy Week series. Purple is also for royalty of the Prince of Peace.


“Maundy Thursday Landscape”. Ink and woodblock print on paper (2022)

Maundy Thursday Landscape observes the Last Supper when Christ urged his followers to “love one another.”

The bright yellow band, a complementary color to the purple and representative of Christ’s words, is particularly poignant during this time of such a lack of peace in the world.


“A Dark Day: Good Friday” had an underpainting  with  black ink on the woodblock. Here it is being pulled off of the woodblock.


“A Dark Day: Good Friday”. Ink and woodblock print on paper (2022)

This is a serious and somber piece recognizing the abuse and crucifixion of Christ. While it uses muted colors, including lenten/royal purple, black is primarily used for pain, sorrow, and death.


“Easter Landscape”. Ink and woodblock print on paper (2022)

“Easter Landscape” bursts forth with almost jarring brightness as a red woodblock print over yellow and purple.

It observes the shocking and powerful resurrection on Easter morning, a morning of miracle. The followers of Jesus are stunned, and Christ’s teachings are reborn and become timeless by this story.

2022 lays heavy on our hearts. Whether or not you observe Holy Week, love, peace, and renewal are sorely needed in the hurting world.

My art always springs from my spiritual practices. My guiding light is that I want to see the still-speaking voice of God.

If you are curious, please visit more of my Spiritual: Abstract paintings here.

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