Empathy Of Spirit


Woodburnt, and painted basswood with nails and thread

Original image 16″x21″

Original available with permanent African mahogany frame. Please contact me here with your interest.

Unmatted, high quality reproductions on paper available. Standard size 18″x24″ (to fit common frames.) Print image is padded to fit with white border to preserve aspect ratio of the original image.
Please allow 10-15 business days for prints.

This painting is about empathy for the human spirit. The bare wood in this painting represents suffering. Empathy, shown by the threads stretched out like good intentions, sometimes meets the needs of people suffering, but oftentimes misses the mark, shown by a lack of connection.

Availability: 15 in stock


Woodburnt, and painted basswood with nails and thread

Original image 16″x21″

Original available with permanent African mahogany frame. Please contact me here with your interest.

Unmatted, high quality reproductions on paper available. Standard size 18″x24″ (to fit common frames.) Print image is padded to fit with white border to preserve aspect ratio of the original image.
Please allow 10-15 business days for prints.

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